We sell only Australian Made Homeopathic hCG Diet Drops following the Original hCG Diet Protocol for Fast & Safe Weight Loss.
If you are sick of your muffin tops, if you are really ready to buy this new dress you always wanted, if you are desperate and prepared to do anything to get rid of the extra kilos you carry with you everywhere you go – Weight Loss Rapid Trim Homeopathic Premium HCG Drops – is the Ultimate Solution for you! Try it! It does work!
The results are surprising and are visible within days! DO NOT BOTHER scrolling through the pages, products etc if you are only 50% ready – this product is designed to give you A NEW YOU FAST, to give you the LIFE you are dreaming of when you’ll be skinny…
Rapid Trim STARTER Pack – 43 day program – for those wanting to lose from 7 – 15 kilos.
**Minimum of 26 days is recommended on this diet for the first treatment.
Our Premium Pack – 43 Day Program – is designed for those wanting to lose up to 15 kilos and help maintain the weight.
Please Note: We recommend a minimum of 26 days on Rapid Trim diet for the first treatment.
Rapid TrimWeight Loss Support Drops – for repeat customers or for friends and family sharing Kits and requiring an extra bottle. It is not recommended to initially purchase our drops alone without reading the eguide send to you via email and without the support information found in the Rapid Trim hCG User e-Guide. Our drops facilitate weight loss if the program is strictly followed. Just taking the drops alone without the Rapid Trim hCG diet will not work.
The hCG diet is a dual-combination system that combines a low-calorie diet with the use of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is naturally produced during pregnancy and has been found to have numerous weight loss properties and can deliver higher weight loss rates than any other diet system.
There are three main stages of the hCG diet. The loading stage is the first initial stage that lasts two days. During the loading stage, users are encouraged to eat anything they want, invited especially to carb load. The primary purpose of this phase is to prepare the body for what is to come ahead during the low calorific aspect of the day.
While the hCG diet has only recently gained in popularity over the last five years, however, it was developed over fifty years ago. Dr. ATW Simeons, a British endocrinologist, was the first to pioneer the use of HCG for weight loss. Dr. Simeons found HCG’s weight loss properties while using the hormone to treat teenage boys with low testosterone.
While conducting the treatments, Dr. Simeons began to notice immediate changes in the weight and body fat percentages of the boys and noted that some boys had lost up to 10-15% of their weight, yet experienced no reduction in muscle mass at all. Through his studies, Dr. Simeons discovered that the HCG hormone stimulates the hypothalamus gland, which regulates body fat in our body.
The traditional protocol of the HCG diet calls for a 500 daily caloric intake. However, new versions are starting to allow for 800 or 1,200 calories consumed each day. However, to lose the most weight, the 500-calorie protocol is recommended. Our Weight Loss Plan follows the 500-calorie protocol.
Simeons understood that 500 calories is an insufficient number of calories and therefore developed a diet plan to ensure that proper nutritional intake. The hCG diet calls for a significant amount of calories to come from vegetables and lean protein sources. Fruits can also be eaten to ensure that glycogen levels remain high. Here are some of the approved foods to eat:
Apparently, the primary benefit of the hCG diet is weight loss. Users of the hCG diet can lose up to a kilo per day, depending on which caloric protocol they follow. Studies have shown that hCG can activate the body’s metabolism so that the user burns about 4,000-5,000 calories per day. Obviously, with daily activities, you will burn even more calories, which is why it is possible to lose even more per day. However, believe it or not, there are numerous other well-documented benefits to the hCG diet. Some of these other benefits include:
Apparently, the primary benefit of the hCG diet is weight loss. Users of the hCG diet can lose up to a kilo per day, depending on which caloric protocol they follow. Studies have shown that hCG can activate the body’s metabolism so that the user burns about 4,000-5,000 calories per day. Obviously, with daily activities, you will burn even more calories, which is why it is possible to lose even more per day. However, believe it or not, there are numerous other well-documented benefits to the hCG diet. Some of these other benefits include:
Thousands of people who have followed the HCG diet protocol have also recorded a dramatic reduction in blood pressure within the first few weeks of being on the HCG diet. The HCG Diet is successfully used by many hypertensive patients to lower blood pressure. Seek your Doctors advise if this applies to you.
Even after you done on the hCG diet, your body’s metabolism will continue to be much higher than it previously was. Therefore, you will be able to keep off the weight you just lost or even might be able to continue to lose a few more kilos.
Recent studies have determined that HCG helps boost the production of white blood cells. The increase in white blood cells will help you fight off infection and harmful bacteria, substantially reducing the chance of you getting sick. Plus, your body will also naturally heal much quicker, and any open wounds have a much less likely chance of getting infected until they recover.
One of the most significant concerns of dieters is that they are losing muscle mass and not burning fat. The hCG diet alleviates these concerns and maintains your muscle mass, while simultaneously melting away your fat. The maintenance of muscle mass was one of the principal things Dr. Simeons noted in his research.
One of the key reasons people gain back the weight they lose is because they still have an uncontrollable appetite. Studies show that hCG diet users continue to eat less than they previously did, even months after being off the hCG diet. Most people do not experience the same cravings for unhealthy foods like they used to suffer as well.
Many users have noted that hCG seems to help regulate the sleep cycle. As a result, many hCG diet users experience a much deeper, longer sleep. Apparently, the added benefit to this is that the hCG diet user will have much more energy when they wake up and will have a much-improved mood as well.
These are many of the plethoras of other benefits of the HCG diet. Even if you do not have much weight to lose, these added benefits should be enough to convince you to consider trying the HCG diet for a short period.
Taking HCG drops kicks off your body’s metabolism causing you to burn excess fat reserves. Take HCG Weight Loss Drops at the appropriate times – as dictated by your selected program. The Rapid Trim HCG Diet Program recommends placing 7-10 drops under your tongue approximately 20 minutes before eating an approved meal. Following the prescribed plan WILL result in rapid & safe weight loss without requiring exercise or experiencing hunger. Once you have achieved your target weight goal, you should move onto the maintenance phase of the plan. Correctly completing the maintenance phase is essential while readjusting to a higher calorie diet. The Maintenance phase ensures that your weight loss achievements are long-lasting.
Yes Absolutely! Big Pharmaceutical do not like it, but HCG Drops are the most effective way to lose excess fat quickly safely. The weight loss industry is a “Multi-Trillion dollar industry” and so Big Pharma place enormous pressure on the FDA to outlaw HCG. Luckily, FDA rulings do not apply in Australia where we can supply high-quality homoeopathic HCG Drops to help people achieve a healthy weight loss at a meagre cost. What isn’t safe is the unchecked spread of obesity and our country’s obsession with sugar (one of our primary industries). Sugar is sneakily used as an ingredient in many processed foods, making it nearly impossible to avoid unless you start eating wisely using an approved food list such as the list provided in the Rapid Trim Program.
Yes, HCG can help you lose weight – dramatically, quickly and safely. HCG Drops are always combined with a controlled diet plan. Yes, you will be restricting your intake of calories to just 500 per day (800 for men). However (and this is the point that is missed by the critics), you will be burning calories from your unwanted fat stores. You will not be short on energy and if you follow our eating plan – you will not be hungry! You can expect to lose several kilos in the first week of the plan and will continue to lose weight steadily until you reach your goal.
hCG, (Human chorionic gonadotropin), is a hormone which plays different roles in male and female sexual development. In women, hCG affects ovulation and fertility. In men, physicians may prescribe hCG to increase or restore testosterone production. Men that participate in the HCG Diet will experience rapid weight loss in the first week & then a more gradual weight loss for the remainder of the program. Often men do not need to be on the HCG program for as long as women. However, we do recommend completing at least 26 days for Phase 1 and the Maintenance Phase to ensure permanent weight loss.
WeightLossHCG has been supplying the highest quality Australian made HCG drops since 2011. Rapid Trim is our latest formula produced in our certified laboratory. There has been a proliferation of “HCG Diet Companies” in recent years – many copying WeightLossHCG’s business model, content and even name!! Before purchasing from an online store, verify that it is a valid store – not just a landing page routing you to another website. Ensure that the checkout accepts credit card payment – never use bank transfer as a payment method. Stay safe online!
There you go! Everything you need to know about HCG, the HCG diet, and Weight Loss hCG diet drops. Thousands of people around the world have successfully lost weight and changed their lives – all thanks to the HCG Diet.
If you are struggling with your weight, then HCG can help you. Do not wait any longer – start your Weight Loss HCG Diet journey today! Weight Loss HCG Rapid Trim Homeopathic HCG Drops are professional grade homeopathic made in Australia. Homeopathic preparations in Australia by definition are exempt from TGA approval. Do you need more motivation?
Therefore, the best motivator will be your results! Undoubtedly, long-lasting effects are the best driver for your willpower and will help keep you active, focused, happy and beautiful. So, don’t forget about our GUARANTEE – Loose up to 5kgs in 2 weeks, if you do not lose this weight merely return our product for a full refund.
“I did my first round of HCG in July for 23 days and lost 8.6 kilos. During the maintaince 3-week period I lost an additional 3.6 kilos without drops.
That’s a total of 12 kilos! Now it is December 18th and I am still maintaining that 12 kilos and cannot believe it!”
“Just started the Weight Loss hCG sublingual last Saturday and as of today I have lost a total of 3.6 kilos…my first week!”
I absolutely love the hCG drops! I have lost 6.5 kilos in just 23 days! It’s truly amazing, you have to try it :)!”
“I started this at 111kgs, at the start of my 3rd week I am done to 102kgs. Seriously if you have tried everything else give weight loss hCG a try – you have nothing to lose but weight… I have never never had so much energy, I still have a long way to go, but with my bottle of hCG & B12 at my side, I know for the 1st time in my life; Im taking back my life.”
“Just want to share with anyone that is thinking about starting the hCG diet. I started three weeks ago and I have lost 7kgs. Loosing weight has been so hard lately because I’m over 50 and going through change of life. I’m only half way but I know I can loose another 7kgs by the time the course is finished. It’s been the only diet that seems to be working for me. So give it a go!!!!”
“5.1 kgs down in 15 days. This stuff is unbelievable. Feeling great”